There are 2,764 items matching your search.
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U S General Works — AuctionsTHE WILLIAM A KELLEY COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES. Kelley. Auction by Steve Ivy. Sale date 1989/03/16. 204 lots, each color illus. High quality/rare stamps/covers.Literature #3239 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Great Britain — AuctionsGREAT BRITAIN USED ABROAD FEATURING THE ROBERT KEMPSTER COLLECTION. Kempster. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1989/03/09. 622 lots. Photos. On/off piece used stamps + covers by country and type cancel.Literature #14299 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1
20th Century — AuctionsTHE KEYSTONE COLLECTION OF UNEXPLODED BOOKLETS AND BOOKLET PANES. Keystone. Auction by Daniel F Kelleher. Sale date 2013/03/17. Sale #635. 1458 lots, each color photo. Oversize catalog. Booklets & booklet panes of 1898 (54 lots), 1902-03 (60), 1903 Shield (135), 1908-1917 Wash-Fran (163), 1917 A.E.F. 1c (17) & 2c (3), 1923-1995 including errors (29).Literature #14871 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2
U S General Works — AuctionsPOSTAGE STAMPS OF THE UNITED STATES INCLUDING THE COLLECTION OF SAMUEL KHARASCH. Kharasch. Auction by Sotheby New York. Sale date 1978/11/20. Sale #28. 541 lots. Illus. High quality/rare stamps inc a complete set of Special Printings. P/R.Literature #1135 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
U S Csa — AuctionsTHE KILBOURNE COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS. Kilbourne. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1999/09/28. Sale #815. 158 lots. Each color illus. By town, mostly on cover/w many rarities. P/R.Literature #9515 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
British East Africa — AuctionsTHE KILIMANJARO COLLECTION OF EAST AFRICAN STAMPS AND COVERS. Kilimanjaro. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2002/09/27. 334 lots, most color illus. Proofs, stamps, covers of British East Africa (54 lots), K-U-T (122), Tanganyika (77), Zanzibar (74). Many rare & scarce items.Literature #11762 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1
U S Csa — AuctionsTHE A MURL KIMMEL COLLECTION OF UNION PATRIOTIC COVERS AND CONFEDERATE STATES STAMPS AND COVERS. Kimmel. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1976/05/18-19. Sale #492. 1111 lots. Illus. Union Patriotics (381); CSA on/off cvr inc U S used in (16); Paids (140); Soldiers' (13); PM Prov (108); Gen Iss (231); CSA Patriotics (104); College (55); Blockade (7); Express (17); POW (12); Other Usages (19); Imprints (28). P/R.Literature #3289 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Denmark — AuctionsSCANDINAVIA. King-Farlow. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1971/05/18. Sale #3509-3510. 612 lots. Illus. Incs King-Farlow Denmark essays, proofs, imitations (43); Issues 1851-1970 (126); Faeroe Is 1919 bisects & surcharges (49); 1940-41 surcharges & franks (29); Town cancels (19); other cancels (15); DWI (20).Literature #10998 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1
Great Britain — AuctionsGREAT BRITAIN, THE "KINGS" 1902-1952. Kings. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1979/03/27. Sale #4380-4381. 451 lots. Illus. Extensive proofs, unused stamps Edward VII 1902-13 (179); George V 1911-1936 (161); George VI 1937-51 (44); Official issues 1902-04 (67). Full of rare & scarce items. P/R.Literature #11174 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Switzerland — AuctionsSCHWEIZ INKLUSIVE RARITATEN AUS DER SAMMLUNG FRITZ KIRCHNER (TEIL 1). Kirchner. Auction by Corinphila Zurich. Sale date 2009/06/12-13. 1616 lots in a hardbound catalog. Unused/used stamps + stampless/stamped postal history with many rarities. In German.Literature #13352 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2
U S General Works — AuctionsTHE WALTER C. KLEIN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Klein. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1989/03/16. 506 lots. Illus. An excellent presentation of postal history from the 1847 through 1869 issues. Includes 1847 (25), 1851-57 (195), 1861-67 (222) & 1869 issue (55). P/R.Literature #3651 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
U S General Works — AuctionsLA COLLECTION CONSUL KLEP. Klep. Auction by Willy Balasse. Sale date 1956/03/27-28. Sale #0156. 1218 lots. Illus. On/off cvr. PMs' (234); 1847 (93); 1851-57 (401); 1861-67 (232); 1869 (157); Carriers/Locals (16); CSA PM Provs (35); Gen Iss (50). Rarities, high quality & famous lots throughout. Catalog + photo section. In French/English. P/R.Literature #9843 | Price: $150.00 | Your Price: $120.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Postal History — AuctionsEDWARD S. KNAPP COLLECTION OF PHILATELIC AMERICANA, PARTS 1-3 PLUS PROSPECTUS AND PHILATELIC ICONOGRAPHY. Knapp. Auction by Parke-Bernet Galleries. Sale date 1941. Sale #all sales. 7890 lots. Illus. U S covers inc Westerns (644); Carriers & locals (502); Many expos, fairs, schools, advertising. One of the great accumulations. Expect some cover toning, small cover & spine faults.Literature #3380 | Price: $95.00 | Your Price: $76.00 Qty: 1
Postal History — AuctionsEDWARD S. KNAPP COLLECTION OF PHILATELIC AMERICANA, PROSPECTUS. Knapp. Auction by Parke-Bernet Galleries. Sale date 1941. 16 p. Illus. Description of the upcoming sales. Short articles by Hugh M. Clark, Stanley B. Ashbrook, Theodore L. Behr and Y. Souren.Literature #4897 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1
Postal History — AuctionsEDWARD S. KNAPP COLLECTION OF PHILATELIC AMERICANA: PART 3. Knapp. Auction by Parke-Bernet Galleries. Sale date 1942/03/05-06. 486 lots. Illus. Over 11,000 covers in lots by state or topic. Bound in the house binding.Literature #514 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00 Qty: 1
France — AuctionsTHE "MARVIN S. KOBACKER" COLLECTION OF FRANCE WITH IMPERFORATE VARIETIES AND EPREUVES DE LUXE. Kobacker. Auction by Harmers New York. Sale date 1978/02/22. Sale #2446-2447. 710 lots. Illus. Imperforate varieties 1876-1973 (100); Epreuves De Luxe 1903-73 inc Semi-postal & Air Post (362). P/R.Literature #8089 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Mexico — AuctionsTHE ERICH KOENIG COLLECTION OF 19TH AND 20TH CENTURY STAMPS AND COVERS OF MEXICO. Koenig. Auction by Sotheby New York. Sale date 1995/05/30-31. 847 lots. Illus. Fractional cvrs (300); Proofs, on/off cvr stamps 1856 (38); 1861 (37); Eagles (82); Maximilian (13); Gothic (56); 1868 thin/thick (75); Anotado (8); 1872 (43); 1892 (25); Civil War (24); 20th Cen (33); Airs (120). P/R.Literature #5034 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
British Empire — AuctionsPRIMARILY COMBINATION MAILS OF THE BRITISH FOREIGN POST OFFICE; THE DR. PAUL JL KORNAN COLLECTION. Kornan. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1994/09/27. Sale #2898. 274 lots, most illus. By geographic area, the most extensive collection formed to date. Full of rare & scarce usages. P/R.Literature #3028 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Postal History — AuctionsTHE GEORGE JAY KRAMER COLLECTION "ACROSS THE CONTINENT" MARITIME USAGES. Kramer. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2003/05/02. Sale #260. 145 lots, each color illus. U.S. domestic usages (49 lots), U.S. overseas usages (26), Hawaii (20), to British North America (14), to Europe, Asia & the Pacific (36 lots). A gold medal exhibit to show the globalization of the American west. P/R.Literature #10640 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
U S Csa — AuctionsTHE AWARD WINNING CONFEDERATE POSTAL HISTORY COLLECTION OF RICHARD KRIEGER. Krieger. Auction by Robert Kaufmann. Sale date 1981/07/15. Sale #016. 395 lots, most illus. Wide range of covers showing most areas of CSA usages. Many quality covers, many scarce usages. P/R.Literature #4558 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Air Post — AuctionsTRANS-OCEANIC FLIGHT COVERS 1919-1939; THE AWARD-WINNING "KRINSKY" COLLECTION. Krinsky. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1975/10/31. Sale #479. 395 lots. Illus. Chronological (356); U S Pioneer flights (24). Many rare covers. P/R.Literature #3214 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Postal History — AuctionsEMMERSON C KRUG COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES COVERS. Krug. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1958/05/21-22. Sale #210. 903 lots. Illus. A student of Ashbrook. High quality, unusual & scarce rates/usages issues 1847 (129); 1851-57 (328); 1861 August (7); 1861-67 (195); 1869 (127); 1870-1888 (68). Nine 90c 1861 61 covers, many high value 1869 covers. P/R.Literature #3100 | Price: $35.00 | Your Price: $28.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Postal History — AuctionsEMMERSON C KRUG COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES COVERS. Krug. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1958/05/21-22. Sale #210. 903 lots. Illus. A student of Ashbrook. High quality, unusual & scarce rates/usages issues 1847 (129); 1851-57 (328); 1861 August (7); 1861-67 (195); 1869 (127); 1870-1888 (68). Nine 90c 1861 61 covers, many high value 1869 covers. P/R + hand priced in pencil.Literature #14957 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Carriers & Locals — AuctionsTHE EDGAR KUPHAL COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES CARRIERS, LOCALS AND INDEPENDENT MAILS. Kuphal. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2006/11/15-16. Sale #925. 734 lots. Color illus. Proofs, stamps, postal history.Incs. Independent Mails (39); Inter-City Express (88); British Columbia, Mexico, Hawaii (38) Carriers (131); Locals (473). Excellent postal history write-ups. P/R.Literature #3086 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Canal Zone — AuctionsDONALD A. KUSKE SPECIALIZED COLLECTION OF CANAL ZONE. Kuske. Auction by Daniel F Kelleher. Sale date 2015/09/09. Sale #673. 291 lots, most with color photo. Unused & used stamps including multiples & booklet + postal history. Many scarce and unusual varieties.Literature #15709 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1
1869 Issue — AuctionsTHE LAFAYETTE COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES 1869 ISSUE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY. Lafayette. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2003/05/02. Sale #261. 1341 lots. Illus. Essay, proofs, unused & used stamps in singles & multiples including inverts & varieties. Domestic & foreign destinations postal history. Full of rare & scarce items. P/R.Literature #10639 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Hawaii — AuctionsTHE LAILA COLLECTION OF HAWAII AND UNITED STATES POSSESSIONS. Laila. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2009/06/16. Sale #974. 878 lots, color photos. Unused/used stamps & postal history inc. Hawaii (635 lots), Canal Zone (140), Cuba (41), Other Possessions (62). P/R.Literature #13586 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Australia — AuctionsTHE JOHN LANCASTER COLLECTION OF AUSTRALIA'S INVOLVEMENT IN TRADE EXHIBITIONS. Lancaster. Auction by Mossgreen. Sale date 2016/10/18. 568 lots, color photos. By worldwide exhibition with literature, letters, broadsides, medals, tokens, essays/proofs, stamps & postal history from London 1851 to 1969. Scan cropped. P/R.Literature #15473 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Switzerland — AuctionsSWITZERLAND; THE COLLECTION FORMED BY PROFESSOR H.H. LANDAU. Landau. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1987/05/13. Sale #8166. 120 lots. Illus. Rare stamps, excellent postal history Cantonal Zurich (9); Geneva (11); Basel (1); Transitional (9); Federal 1850 Orts (7); Locale (5); Rayon I (12); Rayon II (8); 1851-52 (10); Mixed Issues 1850-54 (21); 1854-67 (26). P/R.Literature #12187 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Bank Note Issues — AuctionsTHE ELIOT A. LANDAU COLLECTION OF THE 6C LINCOLN LARGE BANK NOTE ISSUES. Landau. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2011/03/04. Sale #335. 309 lots, color illus. The grand award exhibit of Essays/Proofs (60 lots), Unused/used stamps inc. fancy cancels (#72), Domestic postal history (43), Foreign destinations (134). P/R.Literature #13320 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Austria — AuctionsBARON ALFRED LANDBERG AUSTRIA AND LOMBARDY VENETIA. Landberg. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1958/10/27. Sale #1203. 303 lots. Illus. On/off cvr, cancels 1850 Imperf (149); 1858-59 (52); 1860-63 (22); Newspapers (43) Newspaper Tax (10). Lombardy-Venetia 1850-64 used stamps (13). P/R.Literature #8128 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World General — AuctionsTHE JOHN LARSON COLLECTION OF POSTAGE DUES OF THE WORLD. Larson. Auction by Cherrystone. Sale date 2007/09/18. 614 lots. Color illus. By country unused/used stamps and postal history, strong in France & Colonies (155 lots).Literature #4924 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2
Canada — AuctionsCANADA OFFERED BY ORDER OF FRANK LAYCOCK. Laycock. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1980/06/24. Sale #4510. 385 lots. Illus. Stamps, cancels, cvrs 1859-64 (98); 1868-90 Large Queens (134); 1870-97 Small Queens (85); Later Issues to 1967 (58). P/R.Literature #11185 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Falkland Islands — AuctionsTHE GEORGE LAZARNICK FALKLAND ISLANDS. Lazarnick. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1991/05/21. Sale #4575. 162 lots. Illus. Early mail (4); the "Franks" (4); Proofs, on/off cvr stamps 1878-1904 (45); 1904-20 (33); 1933-35 (39) S. Georgia (25); S. Shetlands (11). Many high value lots. P/R.Literature #8299 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Peru — AuctionsTHE DR. ROBERT LEBOW COLLECTION OF CLASSIC PERU. LeBow. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1994/09/30. Sale #763. 205 lots. Illus. Peru stampless (8); Early stamped (2); On/off cvr Pacific Steam (7); 1858 (17); 1860 (2); 1862 (8); 1868-72 (6); 1888 Llama (10); 1870 (4); 1921 invert (1); Mixed country frankings (10); Incoming mail (7). P/R.Literature #2978 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Air Post — AuctionsTHE ROBERT LEHMAN COLLECTION OF AIR MAIL STAMPS. Lehman. Auction by Robson Lowe Geneva. Sale date 1976/04/30. 135 lots. Illus. Country collections/w some individual rare stamps. P/R.Literature #5196 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
New South Wales — AuctionsAUSTRALASIA INCLUDING THE COLLECTION OF NEW SOUTH WALES FORMED BY A. LESLIE LEON. Leon. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1978/03/14. Sale #4252-4253. 711 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs New South Wales early letters (14); Sydney Views (92); Laureated (54); Diadem (51); 1861-1910 issues (78); Special Service (28); Postal history (12). P/R.Literature #11076 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Bermuda — AuctionsBERMUDA, THE BARON STIG LEUHUSEN COLLECTION. Leuhusen. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2003/10/29. 334 lots. Illus. Essays, proofs, stamps and postal history with a good number of rarities. Spans 1807 to WW II.Literature #3140 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1
1851-67 Issues — AuctionsFRANK S LEVI JR COLLECTION OF TEN-CENT IMPERFORATE ISSUES OF 1855.. Levi Berman. Auction by John Kaufmann. Sale date 1986/01/28. Sale #120. 1544 lots. Illus. 1855 10c, most plated (454); also the Donald Berman collection of the 2c shield stamp of 1903-08 (57). P/R.Literature #4081 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Canada — AuctionsTHE ALFRED F. LICHTENSTEIN COLLECTION OF CANADA; ISSUES FROM 1897 JUBILEE. Lichtenstein. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1954/11/01-02. Sale #0890-0891. 801 lots. Illus. Essays/proofs, stamps 1897-99 (74); 1898-1946 (560); Air Post (46); Back of Book (121). Many rare/scarce items. P/R.Literature #756 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
Europe — AuctionsIMPORTANT SECTIONS OF THE "ALFRED F LICHTENSTEIN" COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Lichtenstein. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1966/12/05-09. Sale #1735-1739. 1708 lots. Stamps, cvrs inc rarities of most countries. Incs Spain (466); France & Colonies (422); Austria (141); Portugal & Colonies (101). P/R.Literature #68 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Air Post — AuctionsTHE CELEBRATED OSCAR R. LICHTENSTEIN COLLECTION OF AIR POST STAMPS OF THE WORLD. Lichtenstein. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1957/06/11-14. Sale #0938-0941. 1641 lots. Illus. Worldwide, mostly unused officially issued stamps including rarities, errors & varieties.Literature #3462 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2
Italy — AuctionsTHE P.J. LIDDELL KINGDOM OF ITALY AND VATICAN. Liddell. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1965/05/24-25. Sale #3316-3317. 582 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs Italy 1861-63 inc Newspapers (88); 1865 (12); 1867-97 (49); 20th Cen (118); Airs (63); Special Service (70); G.N.R. & Fasces ovpts (28); Local & C.N.N.(14); Occs (29); Vatican (101); Trieste (15). P/R.Literature #8326 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
British Empire — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION PARTS II & VIII; GREAT BRITAIN AND COMMONWEALTH. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967-1968. Sale #314 & 334. 1413 lots. Sales 314 & 334. Great Britain (97); British Empire A-Z (1316). P/R.Literature #3053 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Qty: 4Qty: 5Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Name Sales — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967-1968. Sale #312/344. 7718 lots. Illus. The ten sales. An exceptional collection. P/R.Literature #3368 | Price: $125.00 | Your Price: $100.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Qty: 4Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
U S General Works — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION: UNITED STATES SALES. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967-1968. 3422 lots. Illus. Five sales including sale #s 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9. The sales in one hardbound house volume. P/R are bound-in.Literature #11227 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00 Qty: 1Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Name Sales — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND GENERAL FOREIGN SALES. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967-1968. 4296 lots. Illus. Five sales including #s 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10. Hardbound in one volume. P/R are bound-in.Literature #11234 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
World Name Sales — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION PROSPECTUS. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967-1968. Sale #312/344. The prospectus for the 10 sales containing photos & descriptions of key items in the exceptional collection.Literature #11263 | Price: $5.00 | Your Price: $4.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Qty: 4
Carriers & Locals — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION PART V. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1967/09/13-15. Sale #321. 995 lots. U S Proofs (256); Encased Postage (175); Fractional Currency (90); Carriers & Locals (402); Full Sheets (72). P/R.Literature #3032 | Price: $45.00 | Your Price: $36.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart
U S General Works — AuctionsJOSIAH K. LILLY COLLECTION PART VII. Lilly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1968/02/07-08. Sale #327. 775 lots. Illus. U S 19th Century (296); 20th Century (479). P/R.Literature #3450 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Prices RealizedAccompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).Price: $1.00Add To Cart