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Lombardy-Venetia — Auctions
THE MILANO COLLECTION OF LOMBARDY-VENETIA. Milano. Auction by Cherrystone. Sale date 2006/06/08. 149 lots. Color illus. Exceptional qualitiy rarities of the 1850-1859 issues, most with expert certificates.
Literature #2567 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Cyprus — Auctions
THE W.L.E. MILLER SPECIALIZED CYPRUS, ALSO GIBRALTAR. Miller. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1977/10/28. Sale #4209. 278 lots. Illus. Cyprus Austrian PO (19); British PO (29); British stamps ovptd Cyprus (102); Cyprus inc proofs 1881-1928 (36). P/R.
Literature #10738 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Great Britain — Auctions
GREAT BRITAIN, THE "MINIMUS" COLLECTION. Minimus. Auction by Robson Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1980/06/05. Sale #4517. 386 lots. Illus. Plated copies, mostly off cvr 1840 1p (224); 1840 2p (43); 1841-54 1p (64); 1841 2p (34). P/R.
Literature #11240 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE MILTON MITCHELL COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES 3-CENT 1861-68 ISSUES. Mitchell. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2003/05/13. Sale #859. 230 lots, each color illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, extensive postal history. Many rarities. P/R.
Literature #10651 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
THE MLG COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES PLATE BLOCKS. MLG. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2009/04/21-23. Sale #971. 1285 lots in the house binding. 19th Cen (244 lots), 20th Cen (617); Air Post (119), Back of Book (305). Full of rarities. P/R.
Literature #6793 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Denmark — Auctions
KNUD MOHR GRAND PRIX AUCTION. Mohr. Auction by Postiljonen. Sale date 2000/03/24. 449 lots, color photos. Two collections. (1) The Kingdom of Denmark and the Duchies Schlewsig-Holstein 1851-1884 (263 lots). (2) Copenhagen 1806-84 (186). Outstanding stamps and postal history in both collections.
Literature #14286 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

France — Auctions
FRANCE CLASSIQUE COLLECTION "MONT-BLANC". Mont Blanc. Auction by Corinphila Zurich. Sale date 1998/09/15. Sale #104. 976 lots, all with color photo. Unused/used stamps & postal history by issue Ceres 1849-50 (415 lots), 1852-1870 (206), 1871-1875 (185), Postal history by destination (141). In French.
Literature #13380 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

World Post Hist — Auctions
CAMPAIGN COVERS OFFERED BY THE ORDER OF MRS. SYBIL MORGAN. Morgan. Auction by Robson Lowe Postal History. Sale date 1960/03/09. Sale #1916. 300 lots. Illus. Sampling of 80 + countries. Major campaigns, minor wars, revolutions, expeditions, insurrections, sieges from the 1688 War of the Grand Alliance to 1901. Many rare holograph & autograph letters. With country index. P/R.
Literature #8537 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
AUCTION SALE OF THE COLLECTION OF MR. "X"; PARTS 1-3. Mr. "X". Auction by Philip H Ward Jr. Sale date 1938-1939. 1455 lots + 14 plts. An unknown stock broker. Mostly U S stamps with 19th Cen (649); 20th Cen (353); Revenues (200); Many rare & exceptional stamps. Handsome house bindings, gold stamping on maroon covers with normal wear. P/R.
Literature #5627 | Price: $60.00 | Your Price: $48.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
THE BLAKE M. MYERS COLLECTION OF TRANS-OCEANIC MAIL TO AND FROM THE UNITED STATES, 1860-65. Myers. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2004/09/29. Sale #882. 272 lots, each with color photo. Arranged by country within geographic area + section on special U.S. civil war usages. An appendix with rate & ship sailing data. P/R.
Literature #11221 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Greece — Auctions
GREECE FEATURING THE "NAFPLION" COLLECTION. Nafplion. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1988/05/18. Sale #8203. 393 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cvrs Large Hermes 1861-86 by printing (215); Small Hermes (37); PO Abroad (10); 1896 Olympics (13); 1900-01 Surcharges (48); Greek Is & Occ Iss (23). P/R.
Literature #6650 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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South Australia — Auctions
THE DEPARTMENTAL AND OFFICIAL STAMPS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, THE HARRY NAPIER COLLECTION PART I. Napier. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1978/09/12. Sale #4304. 333 lots. Illus. Mostly used, some unused & covers alpha by Dept. & Officials stamps. Depts. include Butler rarity factors. P/R.
Literature #537 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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South Australia — Auctions
THE DEPARTMENTAL AND OFFICIAL STAMPS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, THE HARRY NAPIER COLLECTION PARTS I-III. Napier. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1978/09/12+. Sale #4304. 943 lots. Illus. Mostly used, some unused & covers alpha by Dept. (872 lots). Official stamps 1874-1903 (71 lots). Depts. include Butler rarity factors. P/R.
Literature #11170 | Price: $45.00 | Your Price: $36.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Australian States — Auctions
SOUTH AUSTRALIA, THE "HARRY NAPIER" COLLECTION & VICTORIA, THE "HENRY HARVEY" COLLECTION. Napier; Harvey. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1976/05/11. Sale #4062-4063. 489 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs South Australia 1855-1900 (189); Victoria 1850-84 study by printing, paper, printer (248); Postal Fiscals 1871-97 (20). P/R.
Literature #11051 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Falkland Islands — Auctions
THE CECIL NEILD COLLECTION OF FALKLAND ISLANDS. Neild. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1984/03/20. Sale #4404. 384 lots. Illus. Early mail to (7); the "Franks" (2); On/off cvr 1878-1902 (60); 1904-20 (37); 1918-20 War Ovpts by setting (53); Cancels (31); W. Falkland (10); New Is. (21). S. Georgia (75); S. Shetlands (13). P/R.
Literature #8290 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE MORTIMER L NEINKEN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES CLASSICS 1847-1875. Neinken. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1970/11/19-20. Sale #384. 625 lots. Illus. On/off cvr/w strength in 1851-57 10c (104) & 12c (120); other values (116). P/R.
Literature #3195 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Honduras — Auctions
THE "NEMO" COLLECTION OF LATIN AMERICA. Nemo. Auction by Harmers New York. Sale date 1980/01/18. Sale #2538. 490 lots. Illus. Proofs, on/off cvr from 13 countries. Incs. Honduras 1807-1925 (129); Honduras Airmails 1925-71 (254). P/R.
Literature #8101 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PARTS I-VI. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1961-63. Sale #240/264 all 6. 5848 lots. Illus. U S (3200); China (1400); Worldwide (1249). On/off cvr/w many rarities, a great collection. P/R.
Literature #3437 | Price: $225.00 | Your Price: $180.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, UNITED STATES SALES. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1961-63. Sale #250/264 the 4. 3302 lots. Illus. NY Postmaster (54); 1847 (201); 1851-57 (1542); 1861-67 (505); 1869 (251); 1870-88 (382). Parts I, II, IV & VI. P/R.
Literature #3483 | Price: $125.00 | Your Price: $100.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PART I. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1961/05/17-18. Sale #240. 813 lots. Illus. NY Postmaster (22); 1847 (66); 1851-57 (329); 1861-67 (164); 1869 (69); 1870-88 (163). P/R.
Literature #3051 | Price: $60.00 | Your Price: $48.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PART II. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1961/10/17-18. Sale #244. 820 lots. Illus. NY Postmaster (16); 1847 (65); 1851-57 (338); 1861-67 (157); 1869 (79); 1870-79 (154). P/R.
Literature #3047 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

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Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PART IV. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1962/05/16-17. Sale #251. 853 lots. U S 1851-57 1c by plate pos. (514); other issues 1847-1930 (239). P/R.
Literature #3049 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PART V. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1962/11/06-07. Sale #255. 1249 lots. Illus. 19th Cen. U S (227); British Empire (391); Latin America (170); France & Colonies (130); Germany & States (79); others (247). P/R.
Literature #3048 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
SAUL NEWBURY COLLECTION, PART VI. Newbury. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1963/10/23-24. Sale #264. 816 lots. Illus. NY Postmaster (16); 1847 (65); 1851-57 (325); 1861-67 (153); 1869 (80); 1870-1888 (177). P/R.
Literature #3052 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Canada — Auctions
THE SAM C. NICKLE COLLECTION OF CANADIAN PENCE ISSUES STAMPS AND COVERS. Nickle. Auction by Charles G Firby. Sale date 1988/10/29. 450 lots. Illus. Good variety of essays, proofs, on/off cvr, many scarce usages. P/R.
Literature #3552 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Brit North America — Auctions
BRITISH NORTH AMERICA STAMPS AND COVERS FEATURING COLLECTIONS FORMED BY SAM C. NICKLE AND NEVILLE CLIFFORD-JONES. Nickle. Auction by Christie's New York. Sale date 1993/03/19. Sale #7630. 1125 lots. Illus. Canada Pence proofs (50); Laid/wove paper on cvr (104); 1851-59 stamps (24). 1859-64 proofs (49), stamps (54); usage by value (420); Later inc. special service (121); Provinces stamps/cvrs (247). Many rare stamps/usages. P/R.
Literature #7808 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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France — Auctions
THE "NORTHBURG" EUROPEAN CAMPAIGN COVERS. Northburg. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1969/10/08. Sale #3230. 128 lots. Illus. Cancels & cvrs French Revolt (22); Napoleonic (4); Schleswig-Holstein 1848 (16) & 1864 (4); Italian Revolt 1848-49 (6); Crimean 1853-56 (4); French in Mexico 1861-67 (4); Franco-Prussian 1870-71 (20); French Depts. Conquis (23). In French/English.
Literature #10678 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Tasmania — Auctions
THE ROBERT P ODENWELLER COLLECTION OF TASMANIA. Odenweller. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1981/04/14. Sale #4301. 105 lots. Illus. Pre-stamps & stampless cvrs (11); Proofs & stamps 1853-66 (38); 1857-80 (29); Cvrs 1854-78 (39). P/R.
Literature #3291 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S Csa — Auctions
THE "OLD OAK" COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Old Oak. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1983/05/25. Sale #619. 238 lots. Illus. Incs. PM Provs (36); Paids (32); Patriotics (20); North & South Unpaid (8); Blockade (4); North & South Prisons (14); General Issues (66); Steamboat, Way, RR, Express (12), good number of scarce usages. P/R.
Literature #3238 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Barbados — Auctions
BARBADOS, THE "OLIVE BLOSSOM" COLLECTION. Olive Blossom. Auction by Robson Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1981/11/25. Sale #4669. 253 lots. Illus. Proofs, unused/used stamps, cvrs 1852-1935. Good variety inc rarities/multiples. P/R.
Literature #9046 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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China — Auctions
THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF CHINA, 1885-1897 THE LATER IMPERIAL AND EARLY IMPERIAL POST, THE JANE AND DAN STEN OLSSON COLLECTION. Ollson. Auction by Interasia Auctions. Sale date 2010/01/30. 251 lots. Card cover catalog with descriptions, hardbound cover catalog with photos of each lot. Proofs, unused/used stamps inc. multiples and postal history. In Chinese/English.
Literature #15614 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

China — Auctions
THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF CHINA, 1897-1941 THE LATER IMPERIAL AND EARLY REPUBLIC POST, THE JANE AND DAN STEN OLSSON COLLECTION. Ollson. Auction by Interasia Auctions. Sale date 2010/07/31. 174 lots. Card cover catalog with descriptions, hardbound cover catalog with photos of each lot. Proofs, unused/used stamps inc. multiples and postal istory. In Chinese/English.
Literature #15613 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Hawaii — Auctions
THE JEFFERY OMDAHL COLLECTION OF HAWAIIAN STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY. Omdahl. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2005/10/08. 346 lots. Color illus. Used Missionary (1); 1853-57 (9); 1859-65 (117); 1864-1891 (24); 1893 (21); Postal markings (27); Postal history with rarities (77); Stationery (17).
Literature #1900 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Malta — Auctions
MALTA, THE COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE MAJOR FRED ORME. Orme. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1965/05/19. Sale #2576-2577. 414 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs 1597-1900 (265); 20th Cen to 1935 (120). P/R.
Literature #9175 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Egypt — Auctions
THE PALACE COLLECTIONS OF EGYPT. Palace Farouk. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1954/02/12-18. Sale #2432-2437. 1643 lots. Illus. Essays, proofs, stamps cancels 1866-67 (132); 1869-72 (53); 1874-79 (78); 1879-1906 (32); 1914-52 (561); Airs (60); Dues (142); Officials (46); 1948 forces in Palestine (17); Suez Canal Co. (8). The King Farouk collection. P/R.
Literature #3655 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE ROBERT A PALIAFITO COLLECTION OF 1861-68 THIRTY-CENT ISSUES ON COVER. Paliafito. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1990/06/12. Sale #8012. 187 lots. Illus. Comprehensive study of domestic & foreign usages & rates. P/R.
Literature #901 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE ROBERT A PALIAFITO COLLECTION OF 1861-68 THIRTY-CENT ISSUES ON COVER. Paliafito. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1990/06/12. Sale #8012. 187 lots. Illus. Comprehensive study of domestic & foreign usages & rates. In the house binding. P/R.
Literature #10985 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Austria - Lomb-ven — Auctions
THE FIRST PORTION OF THE PANTHEO COLLECTION: LOMBARDY-VENETIA. Pantheo. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1960/02/17. Sale #1911-1912. 328 lots. Illus. Stamps & covers 1859-57 imperfs inc. forgeries (155); Fiscals (17); 1858-64 stamps, cancels (97); Newspaper usages (39); Imperial Journals (14). Many scarce items, good multiples & usages. P/R.
Literature #8535 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Italian States — Auctions
THE THIRD PORTION OF THE PANTHEO COLLECTION: ROMAGNA, SARDINIA, TUSCANY - THE VENETIAN REPUBLIC. Pantheo. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1960/06/01. Sale #1948-1952. 787 lots. Photo section. On off/cvr Romagna 1859-63 (122); Sardinia stampless - 1861 inc newspapers, varieties, due labels, reprints (365); Tuscany 1851-1860 inc Roman States Occ, Newspaper tax stamps (300). P/R.
Literature #8542 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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France — Auctions
FRANCE, THE BIRTH OF THE THIRD REPUBLIC, THE COLLECTION OF R.G. PARIS. Paris. Auction by Robson Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1982/05/17. Sale #4700. 191 lots. Illus. On/off cvr 1870 Seige (20); 1870 Bordeaux (71); 1871-75 (21); Dues (2); Ballons Montes (39); Pigeon Post (2); National Assembly (7); German Occ of Alsace-Lorraine (19). P/R.
Literature #11235 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Portugal — Auctions
THE PHILIP E. PARKER COLLECTION OF PORTUGAL & COLONIES. Parker. Auction by Antonio M. Torres. Sale date 1993/10/19. 1142 lots. Most illus. Unused/used stamps, postal history/w many rarities. Portugal pre-stamp - 1952 (239); 23 colonies (713).
Literature #9606 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Oceans & Rivers — Auctions
THE "PATRICK HENRY" COLLECTION FEATURING TRANSATLANTIC & PACIFIC CARIBBEAN, CENTRAL, S & N AMERICAN RATES; POSTAL HISTORY. Patrick Henry. Auction by Robert Kaufmann. Sale date 1989/11/26. Sale #062. 1653 lots. Illus. Cvrs to foreign destinations alpha by country. Many scarce usages, great variety. P/R.
Literature #4461 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Nepal — Auctions
THE HENRY "HAP" PATTIZ COLLECTION OF NEPAL. Pattiz. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2017/01/26. 276 lots, color photos. By issues proofs, unused & used stamps including many multiples plus postal stationery 1880-1930.
Literature #15577 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Germany — Auctions
THE PAX GERMANIA. Pax. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1970/10/27. Sale #3412. 2478 lots. Illus. Unused/used Germany 1872-1945 (225); Allied Occ (34); Federal Rep (31); Berlin 1949-69 (29); GDR (9); PO Abroad (14); Cols (21); Occs of 1914 (19); Danzig, Memel, Saar Sudetenland (42); Occs 1939-45 (46). In German/English. P/R.
Literature #10653 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Ceylon — Auctions
THE "P C PEARSON" GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION OF CEYLON. Pearson. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1983/04/13. Sale #4375. 276 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, covers 1857-59 (114 lots); 1861-67 (162); includes rarities. P/R.
Literature #43 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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France — Auctions
THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF FRANCE OFFERED BY CAPTAIN M.H. PENFOLD. Penfold. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1950/01/23-24. Sale #2095-2096. 579 lots + 8 plts. Proofs/essays 1849-1906 (22); Unused/used, some cvrs 1849-1900 by issue/w many multiples (512); 20th Cen (43).
Literature #8304 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

British Africa — Auctions
THE DR. KENNETH PENNYCUICK COLLECTION OF MAIL FROM THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN OF THE 1914-18 WAR IN EAST AFRICA. Pennycuick. Auction by Phillips London. Sale date 1988/09/22. Sale #27340. 129 lots. Illus. Karonga Base PO (4); Field PO 1-11 (81); Other Field Force items (7); Naval expedition 1915-17 (7); Belgian Forces (37). P/R.
Literature #10517 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Japan — Auctions
JAPAN, MINT SHEETS OF THE EARLY ISSUES FROM THE F.J. PEPLOW COLLECTION. Peplow. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1970/03/16. Sale #1947. 117 lots. Each illus. Unique/rare 1871 (10); 1872 (49); 1874 (1); 1874-76 (21); 1875 color changes (21); 1875 Birds/new designs (9); 1875 w/o syllabic characters or bow (2); 1875-76 with bow (3); 1876 with garter (1). P/R.
Literature #3518 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Italian States — Auctions
THE PERERA COLLECTION OF ITALIAN STATES. Perera. Auction by Ivy & Mader. Sale date 1994/09/28. 211 lots. Illus. On/off cvr Lombardy-Venetia (44); Modena (31); Naples (12); Neapolitan Provinces (3); Parma (17); Romagna (6); Roman States (20); Sardinia (21); Sicily (3); Tuscany (44); Kingdom (2); San Marino (8). Many rare/scarce items. P/R.
Literature #6706 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Alaska — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY; INCLUDING THE N L PERSSON COLLECTION, PART 2. Persson. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1988/06/04+. Sale #36, 37. 2122 lots, illus. Alaska Territorials (257), Alaska Waterways (37), Alaska (133); Canadian Yukon & British Columbia (30); Other U S states (498). P/R.
Literature #4328 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

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