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Antigua — Auctions
ANTIGUA, THE INTERNATIONAL GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION FORMED BY E.V. TOEG. Toeg. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe London. Sale date 1990/12/12. Sale #4442. 196 Lots. Illus. Early letters & handstamps (23); GB used in (8); Proofs, stamps, cvrs 1862-67 (32); 1872-82 (44); 1884-86 (33); 20th Cen/w extensive proofs (50). P/R.
Literature #4317 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Montserrat — Auctions
BNA & BWI INCLUDING THE E.V. TOEG MONTSERRAT. Toeg. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1983/09/06. Sale #4799-8800. 800 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels & covers from BNA (54); BWI (318); E.V. Toeg Montserrat GB used in (4); 1876 Antigua ovptd (40); 1880 (15); 1884-85 (36); 1903 proofs (17); Later issues (36); Falkland Is 1878-1933 (73).
Literature #11203 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Revenues — Auctions
THE HENRY TOLMAN II COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS PARTS ONE-FOUR. Tolman. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2006/06/27+. Sale #915/934. 2014 lots in four catalogs. Illus. Essays/proofs, unused/used stamps of high quality & rarity. Incs. Pvt Die Prop (640 lots); Beer (450); Documentary & Tax Paids (761); Items from other revenue areas (163). P/R.
Literature #4950 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Revenues — Auctions
THE HENRY TOLMAN II COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS PART TWO - BEER STAMPS. Tolman. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2006/09/21. Sale #919. 421 lots. Illus. Essays, proofs, unused & used stamps 1866-1945 with many rarities. P/R.
Literature #2682 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Grenada — Auctions
THE DR. R.P. TOWERS COLLECTION OF GRENADA POSTAGE STAMPS. Towers. Auction by Phillips London. Sale date 1995/04/20. 278 lots. Illus. Early letters/handstamps (22); GB used in (6). Proofs, unused/used stamps, cvrs 1861 (7); 1861-62 (13); 1863-74 (21); 1875-83 (57); 1886-99 (44); 20th Cen (49); Special Service (7); Stationery (19); Cancels (24).
Literature #6547 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Sicily — Auctions
THE TRINACRIA COLLECTION OF SICILY 1859. Trinacria. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1970/10/29. Sale #3414. 249 lots. Illus. Unused/used, cvrs by value, plt, color 1/2 - 50 Grana. In Italian/English.
Literature #10654 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Bermuda — Auctions
SIR HENRY TUCKER COLLECTION OF BERMUDA PART 2. Tucker. Auction by Harmers New York & London. Sale date 1979/04/24. Sale #2504. 261 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, postal history with many rarieties, multiples & interesting usages. P/R.
Literature #308 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Arizona — Auctions
THE HENRY G. TURNBULL COLLECTION OF ARIZONA TERRITORIAL AND STATEHOOD POSTMARKS. Turnbull. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 2007/05/16. 552 lots. Most illus. A comprehensive collection of townmarks and usages in both territorial and statehood periods.
Literature #1653 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Literature — Auctions
THE GEORGE T TURNER PHILATELIC LIBRARY. Turner. Auction by Roger Koerber. Sale date 1981/05/01-02. 3311 lots. Worldwide literature, periodicals, auction catalogs. Many rare & scarce titles, great variety. P/R.
Literature #759 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Western Postal — Auctions
THE PONY EXPRESS, THE COLLECTION FORMED BY THURSTON TWIGG-SMITH. Twigg-Smith. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2009/12/05. Sale #979. HB catalog with 63 lots of stamps & postal history, each with extensive description. Includes a 37 page history of the Pony Express.
Literature #11665 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World General — Auctions
POSTAGE STAMPS UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN WITH INVERTED CENTERS THE COLLECTION OF MR. GEORGE FREDERICK TYLER. Tyler. Auction by Philip H Ward Jr. Sale date 1940/11/29. Sale #4. 368 lots. 6 plts. show many stamps. Worldwide unused/used inverts (268 lots). Also a section (not inverts) of U.S. Possessions (100 lots).
Literature #14712 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Virgin Is (Brit) — Auctions
THE URSULA COLLECTION OF VIRGIN ISLANDS. Ursula. Auction by Harmers New York. Sale date 1981/01/22. Sale #2583. 177 lots. Illus. Mainly unused 19th cen with many rare proofs, stamps, errors & complete sheets. P/R.
Literature #3401 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Portugal — Auctions
DOCTOR R.H. URWICK'S PORTUGAL. Urwick. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1962/03/14. Sale #2138-2139. 365 lots. Illus. Essays/proofs; Stamps, cancels & cvrs 1853-84 by issue, paper, perf/w rare/scarce items & usages. P/R.
Literature #8552 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Brit West Indies — Auctions
BRITISH WEST INDIES FORMED BY THE LATE DR. REGINALD H. URWICK. Urwick. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1964/10/06-07. Sale #2477-2479. 696 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs from Antigua (76); Bahamas (42); Bermuda (31); Dominica (31); Grenada (77); Montserrat (31); St Christopher (80); St Lucia (39); St Vincent (57); Tobago (60); Virgin Is. (60). P/R.
Literature #11859 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Malta — Auctions
THE VALETTA MALTA. Valetta. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1980/03/18. Sale #4477. 283 lots. Illus. 1860-1938 issues. Unique & rare artist's drawings, essays, die & plate proofs, colour trials plus a few unused/used stamps. P/R.
Literature #5882 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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THE VAN DOORN COLLECTION OF THE HOLY LAND, PALESTINE & ISRAEL. Van Doorn. Auction by Robson Lowe Geneva. Sale date 1980/04/24. Sale #4501. 195 lots. Illus. Foreign POs in the Holy Land inc Turkey (42 lots); Austrian (18); French (14); German (26); Italian (2); Russian (8). British Palestine (20); Israel (56). P/R.
Literature #12319 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Proofs — Auctions
THE VERSAILLES COLLECTION PROOFS OF THE WORLD. Versailles. Auction by Cherrystone. Sale date 2003-2005. Three catalogs. 2430 lots, color photos. By country with over 20,000 die proofs. Very strong in France and French Colonies.
Literature #4921 | Price: $60.00 | Your Price: $48.00

Greece — Auctions
GREECE FEATURING THE TERENCE VERSCHOYLE COLLECTION. Verschoyle. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1986/05/06. Sale #8121. 213 lots. Illus. Stamps, cancels, some cvrs Large Hermes Heads by printing (85); Small Hermes Heads (25); Later issues (13). Crete Foreign PO (20); Prov Govt (10). Greek Is & Occ issues (60). P/R.
Literature #12233 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Arizona — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Vick. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1985/05/12. Sale #19. 587 lots. Illus. J Vick Arizona Terr (329); other Territorials (257).
Literature #854 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Malta — Auctions
THE VICTORY COLLECTION OF MALTA. Victory. Auction by Grosvenor. Sale date 2010/10/21. 489 lots, most color illus. Many rare & scarce essays/proofs, issued stamps, cancellations & postal history from 1600s to WW II.
Literature #15583 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Austria — Auctions
THE VILLACH COLLECTION OF AUSTRIA. Villach. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1973/10/23. Sale #3782. 256 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs 1850-54 (19); 1858-1902 (13); 1908-52); Republic 1918-45 (71); Newspapers (27). Austro-Hungarian Military Post (16); PO in Czech 1813-1922 (21); Lombary-Venetia (15). P/R.
Literature #12057 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Tasmania — Auctions
TASMANIA; THE LEWIS C. VINEY COLLECTION. Viney. Auction by Robson Lowe Geneva. Sale date 1980/11/27. Sale #4569. 286 lots. Illus. By town/area, comprehensive study of 19th Cen. on/off cover cancels/markings. P/R.
Literature #7345 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Russia — Auctions
RUSSIA, THE VLADIVOSTOK COLLECTION. Vladivostok. Auction by Cherrystone. Sale date 2009/09/22. 872 lots, most with color photo. Rare & scarce unused/used stamps & postal history Russia to 1917 (79), RSFSR (55), Soviet Union to 1991 (644), Airs (44).
Literature #13584 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Western Postal — Auctions
THE IRWIN VOGEL COLLECTION OF WESTERN POSTAL HISTORY. Vogel. Auction by Schuyler Rumsey. Sale date 2010/04/22. LL. Disbound from a larger auction. Last page a photocopy. 446 lots with many scarce postmarks & many excellent usages.
Literature #11696 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Postal History — Auctions
THE C. CORWITH WAGNER COLLECTON OF U S POSTAL HISTORY. Wagner. Auction by John Fox. Sale date 1957/10/23. Sale #175-176. 967 lots. Illus. Early stampless (66); Stampless/stamped by State/Territory inc many Westerns (555); 1851-57 issue (94); RRs (23); Packetmarks (74). P/R.
Literature #56 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE WAGSHAL COLLECTION OF CLASSIC UNITED STATES STAMPS. Wagshal. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2010/09/29+. Sale #999/1006. 1977 lots in 4 hardbound catalogs. Proofs, unused/used stamps & postal history with sales devoted to 1845-69 issues (542 lots), 1c 1851-56 imperforate (550 lots), 1c 1857-61 perforated (604) & 3c 1851-57 (281). Full of rare & high quality items. P/R.
Literature #13933 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE WAGSHAL COLLECTION OF CLASSIC UNITED STATES STAMPS PART 2: ONE-CENT 1851-56 IMPERFORATE. Wagshal. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2010/09/30. Sale #994. 550 lots in a hardbound catalog. Each lot with color photo and extensive description. Includes proofs, unused/used stamps & postal history. Full of rare & high quality items. P/R.
Literature #15366 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postmasters Prov — Auctions
THE PHILIP T. WALL COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS AND CARRIER ISSUES. Wall. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2007/12/12. Sale #947. 48 lots. Illus. On & off cover with Baltimore Provisionals (3 lots), St. Louis (7), Franklin Carrier (7), Baltimore Carriers (31).
Literature #3834 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

U S Csa — Auctions
THE STEVEN C. WALSKE COLLECTION OF SPECIAL MAIL ROUTES OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Walske. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2010/05/27. Sale #988. HB catalog. 394 color illus. lots, each with extensive description. Reference work as well as sale catalog.
Literature #13866 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Oceans & Rivers — Auctions
THE STEVEN C. WALSKE COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES-FRANCE TRANSATLANTIC MAIL. Walske. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2016/03/16. Sale #1119. Card catalog. 230 color illus. lots, each with extensive description. Reference work as well as sale catalog.
Literature #15836 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Louisiana — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY INCLUDING THE HARVEY WARM COLLECTION OF LOUISIANA. Warm. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1985/03/09. Sale #17. 369 lots. Illus. H Warm Louisiana (310) inc. Spanish Colonial, Orleans Terr., Statehood, Express Mail 1836-1839, Independent Mails, Inland Waterway Markings, Steam & Route Agents, Way, Ocean, Transatlantics. P/R.
Literature #4273 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Columbian - 1908 — Auctions
LYNNE WARM-GRIFFITHS COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES BUREAU ISSUES AND UNITED STATES NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL STAMPS. Warm-Griffiths. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1990/12/14. Sale #7198. 205 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, covers 1894-98 Bureau Issues (118); Newspapers (87). P/R.
Literature #783 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Cayman Islands — Auctions
COLLECTION OF THE STAMPS AND CANCELLATIONS OF CAYMAN ISLANDS FORMED BY A J WATKIN. Watkin. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1946/05/01. Sale #0594. 189 lots. Illus. Essays & proofs (24); Jamaican stamps cancels (69); Cayman stamps cancels (68). P/R. Catalog with fold, edge faults.
Literature #14941 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S Csa — Auctions
THE A EARL WEATHERLY COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Weatherly. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1972/10/20. Sale #420. 308 lots. Illus. Essays/proofs (19); Gen issues (63); U S in & Independent States (17); Express (5); PM Provs mostly cvrs (73); Paids (13); Gen Iss (50); Wallpaper (8); Patriotics (18); 7 other usages (31). P/R.
Literature #3386 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
IMPORTANT UNITED STATES STAMPS AND COVERS INCLUDING THE WEILL BROTHERS STOCK. Weill. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1989/10/12. Sale #6912. Hardbound catalog. 342 lots. Illus. Many rare & famous stamps & covers. P/R.
Literature #6025 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postmasters Prov — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS FROM THE WEILL BROTHERS STOCK. Weill. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1989/10/12. Sale #6914. Hardbound catalog with 160 lots, each illus. Many rare & famous stamps and covers. P/R.
Literature #6026 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S Csa — Auctions
IMPORTANT CONFEDERATE STATES STAMPS AND COVERS FROM THE WEILL BROTHERS STOCK. Weill. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1989/10/13. Sale #6916. 827 lots. Illus. U S used in (38); Express (8); Not Recognized (3); On/off PM Prov (259); Paids & Dues (182); Gen Iss (238); Trans-Miss (3); POW/Flag-of-Truce (17); Stationery (53). P/R.
Literature #289 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Mauritius — Auctions
RARITIES OF MAURITIUS AND BRITISH GUIANA FROM THE WEILL BROTHER'S STOCK. Weill. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1989/11/22. Sale #1053. 5 lots, each color illus. British Guiana Cotton Reel pair (1); Mauritius (2 stamps, 2 covers). Hardbound catalog. P/R.
Literature #770 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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South Carolina — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Welch. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1987/08/29. Sale #33. 886 lots. Illus. Incs H Welch collection of Charleston, SC (many lots throughout the sale). U.S. covers by state, issue, and usage (725 lots), Confederate States (161 lots). P/R.
Literature #4074 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Bavaria — Auctions
THE SANDRA ILIENE WEST COLLECTION PART 1: BAVARIA. West. Auction by Harmers San Francisco. Sale date 1980/05/20. Sale #19. 314 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs 1849 unwmk (24); 1849-62 silk threads (83); 1862 (58); 1867 (40); 1868-1920 (107). Rare & scarce lots, multiples, good postal history. P/R.
Literature #3582 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
THE WILLIAM WEST COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS. West. Auction by Philip H Ward Jr. Sale date 1943/04/26-30. Sale #10. 2466 lots. Illus. Strong in 19th Century unused/used stamps & cvrs (1655). Incs 1851-57 cvrs (804); Westerns (117); Packets (66); Many other cvr usages. Outstanding sale. P/R.
Literature #3306 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Barbados — Auctions
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH FEATURING THE LESLIE S. WHEELER BARBADOS. Wheeler. Auction by Stanley Gibbons London. Sale date 1970/05/07-08. Sale #5102-5103. 720 lots. Illus. Proofs, off cvr Barbados 1852-78 by issue, printing (209 lots); Later issues (50); Stampless cvrs (13); Covers 1854-95 (38). P/R.
Literature #12347 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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20th Century — Auctions
THE WHITPAIN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES 1894-98 BUREAU ISSUES. Whitpain. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2009/12/02. Sale #977. 795 lots. Most color illus. Essays/proofs, unused/used stamps plus postal history (492 lots), Special Delivery (34), Postage Dues (105), Newspapers (112), 1898 Provisional Revenues (47) Full or rare and scare items.
Literature #11664 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

New South Wales — Auctions
NEW SOUTH WALES, THE DR. W.R.D. WIGGINS COLLECTION. Wiggins. Auction by Robson Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1981/11/26. Sale #4670. 411 lots. Illus. Off cvr Sydney Views by plt/impression 1p (72); 2p (128); 3p (13); On cvr by usage (32). Laureated issues on/off cvr (61); Diadem proofs (14), on/off cvr stamps (57); 5 shillings coin proofs (8), stamps (10). P/R.
Literature #11236 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Canada — Auctions
THE WARREN S. WILKINSON FIP WORLD EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION OF CANADIAN POSTAL RATES 1851-1859. Wilkinson. Auction by Charles G Firby. Sale date 2007/06/14. 344 lots, color illus. Extensive descriptions of the many rare and scare covers. Domestic (114 lots), Interprovincial (27), USA (68), United Kingdom (75) Other Countries (61). Comes with a comb bound catalog containing only the descriptions..
Literature #3125 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Canada — Auctions
THE WARREN S. WILKINSON FIP WORLD EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION OF CANADIAN POSTAL RATES 1851-1859. Wilkinson. Auction by Charles G Firby. Sale date 2007/06/14. Hardbound catalog. 344 lots, each color illus. Extensive descriptions of the many rare and scares covers. Domestic (114 lots), Interprovincial (27), USA (68), United Kingdom (75) Other Countries (61). The seller the author of a book on the subject.
Literature #14681 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
SPECIALIZED ONE CENT 1851-1857 AND GENERAL UNITED STATES - THE COLLECTION OF GEORGE C. WILLARD, DEDHAM, MASS. Willard. Auction by Samuel C Paige. Sale date 1953/06/06. Sale #08. 657 lots. Illus. G Willard 1851-57 1c (260). Mostly stamps by type, many plated. Also unused/used stamps of 19th & 20th Cen (283), Revenues (120). P/R.
Literature #2913 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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China — Auctions
THE WILSON TE COLLECTION OF CHINA IMPERIAL AND REPUBLIC 1894 EMPRESS DOWAGER AND 1897 SURCHARGES ON DOWAGER STAMPS. Wilson Te. Auction by Zurich Asia. Sale date 2006/03/18. Hardbound catalog with 180 lots, each color illus. with extensive description. Unused/used stamps including multiples + some postal history including 1894 Dowager (54 lots), 1897 New Currency Surcharges (91). In English/Chinese.
Literature #15317 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Great Britain — Auctions
THE WINDSOR COLLECTION OF BRITISH FOREIGN POST OFFICES. Windsor. Auction by Harmers New York. Sale date 1983/10/28. Sale #2679. 350 lots. Illus. Postal History by area inc 11 South American countries (194); 2 European (33); 7 West Indian (81); Egypt (28); British Levant (14). P/R.
Literature #8200 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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British Empire — Auctions
THE WILSON C.K. WONG COLLECTION OF KING GEORGE VI STAMPS AND COVERS. Wong. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe London. Sale date 1990/10/23. Sale #4388. 415 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, cvrs by empire country. Rarities, many varieties. P/R.
Literature #12486 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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