Click here to view more Booklet Pane United States and Worldwide Stamps for sale. ANGUILLA Anguilla. Scott #271-274. Unused, NH, F-VF. 25c-$2.50 Anniversary (#271-274) complete booklet with thin vertical selvedge at right. Order #36201. ANTIGUA ASCENSION AUSTRALIA Australia. Scott #258. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3 1/2p Elizabeth (#258) complete booklet of 2 panes of 6. Order #36205. Australia. Scott #294a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4p Elizabeth (#294a) complete booklet. Order #36206. Australia. Scott #398a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 5c on 4c Elizabeth II (#398a). Order #36738. Australia. Scott #450a-453a. Used, F-VF. 5c Portraits (#450a-453a) complete booklet of 4 panes with first day cancels. Order #36207. Australia. Scott #515a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 7c Cook (#515a) complete booklet of 2 panes. Order #36208. Australia. Scott #852a-852b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1c-27c Trees (#852a-852b) set of two complete booklets. Order #36203. Australia. Scott #852a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1c-27c Trees (#852a) complete booklet. Order #22406. Australia. Scott #852b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1c-27c Trees (#852b) complete booklet. Order #22407. Australia. Scott #1152a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 41c Urban Environment #1152a) complete booklet. Order #36209. Australia. Scott #1192c. Unused, NH, F-VF. 28c-43c Paintings (#1192c) complete booklet. Order #36210. Australia. Scott #1194a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 38c Kookaburras (#1194a) complete booklet. Order #36211. Australia. Scott #1234a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 45c Wildflowers (#1234a) complete booklet. Order #36212. Australia. Scott #1246b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 45c Animals (#1246b) complete booklet with first day cancels. Order #36213. Australia. Scott #1248c. Unused, NH, F-VF. 20c-45c Wetlands (#1248c) complete booklet. Order #36214. Australia. Scott #1335b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 45c Trains (#1335b) complete booklet. Order #36215. BELGIUM Belgium. Scott #474b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1fr-3fr Lion/Albert (#474b) complete booklet. Order #36216. Belgium. Scott #785a. Used, F-VF. 5fr Baudouin (#785a) with first day cancels. Order #36217. Belgium. Scott #1324a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 13fr Ducks (#1324a) unfolded complete booklet. Order #36218. CANADA Canada. Scott #249c-254b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1c (249c), 3c (#252b) & 4c (254b) complete book with covers in French. Order #46092. Canada. Scott #252a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c George VI (#252a) complete book with covers in French. Order #46093. Canada. Scott #252a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c George VI (#252a) complete booklet of two panes with violet cover in French. Back with "Bons Postaux..." Cover only with light crease, stamps intact. Order #36252. Canada. Scott #252a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c George VI (#252a) complete booklet of two panes with covers in English. Order #36175. Canada. Scott #252c/C9a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c George VI (#252c) pane of 6, 4c George VI (#254a) pane of 6 & 7c Geese (#C9a) two panes of 4 + 8 air post labels in a complete booklet. The booklet cover has a light crease, all stamps are intact. Order #36247. Canada. Scott #252c/C9a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c George VI (#252c) pane of 6, 4c George VI (#254a) pane of 6 & 7c Geese (#C9a) two panes of 4 + 8 air post labels in a complete booklet. Order #36248. Canada. Scott #254a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4c George VI (#254a) complete booklet of one pane with orange cover in English. Back with "Postal Note Scrip...". Order #36251. Canada. Scott #254a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4c George VI (#254a) complete booklet of one pane with orange cover in English. Back with "Post Office...". Order #36253. Canada. Scott #254a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4c George VI (#254a) complete book with covers in French. Order #46094. Canada. Scott #287b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4c George VI (#287b) booklet pane. Order #5612. Canada. Scott #306b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 4c George VI (#306b) complete booklet. Order #36120. Canada. Scott #327b. Unused, NH, F-VF. 3c Elizabeth II (#327b) complete booklet of two panes. Order #36255. Canada. Scott #336a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 5c Beaver (#336a) booklet pane of 5 + label. Order #46091. Canada. Scott #401a/404a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 1c Elizabeth II (#401a) & 4c Elizabeth II (#404a) complete booklet of two panes. Order #36256. Canada. Scott #405a. Unused, NH, F-VF. 5c Elizabeth II (#405a) complete booklet. Order #36257. |