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Great Britain — Auctions
GREAT BRITAIN, THE COMMANDER C.E.D. ENOCH COLLECTION OF LINE ENGRAVED ISSUES 1840-1879. Enoch. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1978/07/04. Sale #4288. 442 lots. Illus. Mostly used stamps 1840 1 penny black by plt (137); 2 pence blue (25); 1841 1 penny red brown (70); Later line-engraved to 1870 (201). P/R.
Literature #11167 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Russia — Auctions
RUSSIAN AIRMAILS 1922-68; THE NORMAN EPSTEIN COLLECTION. Epstein. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe Zurich. Sale date 1986/05/06. Sale #8122. 114 lots. Illus. Proofs, stamps, cancels, flights inc rarities. 1922-27 inc surcharges (35); 1930 Graf Zeppelin (5); 1931-39 (59); Special Flights 1924-39 (11). P/R.
Literature #12234 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Russia — Auctions
THE NORMAN D. EPSTEIN COLLECTION OF RUSSIA PART 1: THE IMPERIAL ISUES 1857-1912. Epstein. Auction by Harmers New York. Sale date 1985/10/15-16. Sale #2735-2736. 598 lots. Illus. Essays/proofs (extensive), on/off cvr 1857 (60); 1858-64 (95); 1863 City (26); 1865 (48); 1866-76 (105); 1875-79 (48); 1883-88 (42); 1894 (17); 1889 (16); 1889-92 (34); 1902-06 (45); 1909-12 (39); Obrasetz ovpts (15). P/R.
Literature #3512 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Jamaica — Auctions
JAMAICA FORMED BY THE LATE EDWIN M. ERICKSON. Erickson. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1972/09/06. Sale #3669-3770. 529 lots. Illus. Stampless covers (37); GB used in (38); Stamps 1860-1970 (151); Numeral Obliterators on GB & Jamaica stamps (303). P/R.
Literature #76 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S Csa — Auctions
THE MORRIS EVERETT COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Everett. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1993/10/30. Sale #754. 488 lots. Illus. Paids (76); PM Provs (81); General Iss (239); Various usages (92). Many outstanding & high quality cvrs. P/R.
Literature #11308 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postmasters Prov — Auctions
THE MARGIE FAIMAN COLLECTION OF ST. LOUIS POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS. Faiman. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2003/10/31. 102 lots, each with color photo. Unused & used stamps plus postal history. Includes census of 20c value stamps & covers + census of all value covers in chronological order. The limited edition house binding.
Literature #8883 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Postmasters Prov — Auctions
THE MARGIE FAIMAN COLLECTION OF ST. LOUIS POSTMASTERS' PROVISIONALS. Faiman. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2003/10/31. 102 lots, each with color photo. Unused & used stamps plus postal history. Includes census of 20c value stamps & covers + census of all value covers in chronological order.
Literature #10687 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Seychelles — Auctions
THE H.V. FARMER COLLECTION OF SEYCHELLES. Farmer. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1977/05/11. Sale #4171. 198 lots. Illus. Proofs, on & off cvr Mauritius used in 1859-91 (51); 1890 Key plate (9); 1893 Provs (17); 1893-1902 (36); 1903-52 (44); Stationery (11); Rural Post (15); Mailboat cancels (12). P/R.
Literature #11062 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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France — Auctions
FRANCE, INCLUDING THE COLLECTIONS FORMED BY THE LATE H. FARMER AND WING COMMANDER W. ZIGMOND. Farmer; Zigmond. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1979/03/21. Sale #4370. 240 lots. Illus. Stamps, cancels, cvrs 1849-52 (52); 1853-71 (43); 1870-71 Prov Govt (50); 1876-1945 (56); Special Service (34). P/R.
Literature #10714 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postmasters Prov — Auctions
THE JEREMIAH A. FARRINGTON COLLECTION OF NEW YORK POSTMASTER PROVISIONALS. Farrington. Auction by Ivy, Shreve & Mader. Sale date 1992/09/17. 161 lots. Illus. Proofs (21); Stamps by initial types (33); Paper varieties (15); Plate position inc. the John R. Boker reconstruction of the 40 pos. (41); Postal History/w domestic & foreign usages (51). P/R.
Literature #6946 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Post Hist — Auctions
POSTAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD FEATURING THE EDITH M FAULSTICH COLLECTION. Faulstich. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1973/11/19-21. Sale #440. 2201 lots. Illus. Full of rare, unusual, special usages, too many to list. Must be seen to be appreciated. Incs 1918-19 AEF Russia (122) & Siberian Campaign (416). P/R.
Literature #63 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE BERNARD FAUST COLLECTION OF THE UNITED STATES 1863-68 BLACK JACK ISSUE. Faust. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2018/04/24. Sale #1181. HB. 630 lots. Ephemera, Proofs, Stamps & Postal History. Full of rarities.
Literature #15838 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Oceans & Rivers — Auctions
THE HUGH V. FELDMAN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES WATERWAYS. Feldman. Auction by Schuyler Rumsey. Sale date 2014/04/26. Sale #57. HB. catalog. 458 lots, color illus. Stampless & stamp/w many rarities. Incs Early Years - Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Long Island Sound (29 lots), Chesapeake Bay, Potomac, AL. & FL. (39), Lower Mississippi River & Gulf of Mexico (107), Red & Ouachita Rivers (94), Mississippi Tributaries, Ohio River, Upper Mississippi (131), Great Lakes & Northeast Coast (30), California Routes (43).
Literature #15093 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Brit North America — Auctions
FERRANTI BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Ferranti. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1968/04/26. Sale #1496. 172 lots. Most illus. Outstanding 19th proofs & stamps/w large multiples inc. unique & "largest known" blocks. P/R.
Literature #3304 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
FERRARI SALES COMPLETE. Ferrari. Auction by Broquelet & Gilbert. Sale date 1921-1925. Sale #1-15. HB in three 1/4 leather volumes with marbeled end papers. With Napier index, addendum to first sale, prices realized and hand pricing in pencil.
Literature #14310 | Price: $2,800.00 | Your Price: $2,240.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Essays & Proofs — Auctions
THE FALK FINKELBURG COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES ESSAYS & PROOFS. Finkelburg. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1999/09/29. Sale #816. 754 lots. Illus. 1847 issue (39); 1851-57 (81)' 1861-67 (265); 1869 (199); 1870-90 Banknotes (170). P/R.
Literature #9510 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL AGENCY IN SHANGHAI, CHINA 1867 TO 1922: THE GEORGE Y. FISHER COLLECTION. Fisher. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1998/03/21. 214 lots, color photos. Outstanding postal history, includes 36 lots of 1919 Bureau of Engraving Surcharges. With 5 page reference listing of postmarks known used at the U.S. Postal Agency in Shanghai.
Literature #14792 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

First Day, Events — Auctions
THE LAWRENCE S. FISHER COLLECTION OF CLASSIC UNITED STATES FIRST DAY COVERS AND EARLIEST KNOWN USAGES. Fisher. Auction by Shreves Galleries. Sale date 1996/05/30. 251 lots. Illus. Some stampless, mostly stamped, a wide array of rare/scarce and high quality covers. P/R.
Literature #6484 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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British Oceania — Auctions
THE "FLOYD W. FITZPATRICK" COLLECTIONS OF COOK ISLANDS AND SAMOA. Fitzpatrick. Auction by Stanley Gibbons London. Sale date 1989/12/13-14. Sale #5677. 1451 lots. Illus. Proofs, on/off cvr stamps Cook Is (393); Aitutaki (60); Niue (141); Penhryn (78). Comprehensive Samoa/w rarities, varieties, excellent postal history. P/R.
Literature #12367 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Pennsylvania — Auctions
WYLIE FLACK COLLECTION OF PENNSYLVANIA POSTAL HISTORY. Flack. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1983/02/05. Sale #08. 542 lots. Illus. Pmks by state (195); Registered (37); other markings (201); stamped to BOB (85). About 200 Pennsylvania lots in the sale. P/R.
Literature #3268 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE J G FLECKENSTEIN GRAND AWARD COLLECTION OF THE UNITED STATES 1851-61 1 CENT BLUES; IMPERFORATE AND PERFORATE. Fleckenstein. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1959/03/04. Sale #1228. 730 lots. Illus. Imperfs by position (183); Covers (89); Perfed (44); Covers (36). All expertized by Ashbrook. Incs multiples. P/R.
Literature #5503 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
FLECKENSTEIN UNITED STATES. Fleckenstein. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1965/02/02. Sale #1612-1613. 804 lots. Illus. 19th Cen cvrs/w many rarities & good usages (152); Off cvr 19th (255) & 20th Cen (69); B-O-B (47); Stationery (105); Revenues (118). P/R.
Literature #8072 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
THE DR. FREDERICK S. FOGELSON COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES TOP POSITION PLATE NUMBER BLOCKS. Fogelson. Auction by Shreves Galleries. Sale date 2005/02/11. 295 lots. Each color illus. 19th cen. (37 lots), 20th cen. (241), Airs (16) with many rarities.
Literature #10106 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Brit West Indies — Auctions
BRITISH WEST INDIES FEATURING THE THOMAS FOSTER JAMAICA AND MONTSERRAT. Foster. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1979/06/19. Sale #4188-4189. 690 lots. Illus. Unused/used stamps & postal history Jamaica including GB used in (130 lots), Montserrat (62) + lots from 17+ other countries of the area.
Literature #10636 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Barbados — Auctions
THE "FOXLEY" COLECTION OF BARBADOS. Foxley. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2017/04/19. 379 lots, most with color photos. Essay, proofs, unused/used stamps + postal history. Early stampless covers (20 lots), 1852-1881 (104), 1882-1924 (173), later & special service (82).
Literature #15610 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Colorado — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY INCLUDING THE R C FRAJOLA COLLECTION OF COLORADO. Frajola. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1992/10/04. Sale #50. 838 lots. Illus. Colorado by town 516 inc. rare towns, usages, advertising; Western Express (75) with many Colorado; General covers 1851-1870 (56); Patriotics (26); CSA (77); Colorado collateral, stock certificates, books (16). P/R.
Literature #6873 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Sicily — Auctions
THE "E.C. FRANCIS" SICILY. Francis. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1976/10/28. Sale #4105. 127 lots. Illus. Stamps, cancels, cvrs of 1st issue by value & plate/w a number of rarities. P/R.
Literature #10743 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Gibraltar — Auctions
THE "E.C. FRANCIS" BRITISH EMPIRE AND THE "GEOFFREY DUVEEN" GIBRALTAR. Francis; Duveen. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1976/10/30. Sale #4108. 376 lots. Illus. Gibraltar early letters (3); GB used in (5); Bermuda ovptd (20); Essays, proofs, stamps, cancels 1886 (16); 1889 surcharges (8); 1889-96 (20); 1898 Reissue (5); 20th Cen to 1938 (67); Stationery proofs (13); Morocco Agencies (11). P/R.
Literature #10745 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Malta — Auctions
MALTA; THE "FRANCISCO" COLLECTION. Francisco. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe London. Sale date 1989/03/22. Sale #8234. 381 lots. Illus. Early letters & covers (89); Wavy Line Grid (3); "M" Obliterators on stamps & cvrs (76); "A25" Obliterators (182); Military Mail (27). Wide range of postal history. P/R.
Literature #12325 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Malta — Auctions
THE LOUIS FRANK "MALTA" COLLECTION. Frank. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1972/10/18. Sale #3677. 207 lots. Illus. Proofs, on/off cvr stamps inc stampless (15); Disinfected (5); Maritime (21); GB used in by cancel (61); 1860-84 One Halfpenny (33); 20th Cen (60). P/R.
Literature #10779 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Brit West Indies — Auctions
BRITISH WEST INDIES FEATURING THE ESTATE FROM THE LATE WILLIAM FRAZER. Frazer. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2003/10/30. 945 lots. Illus. By country with essays, proofs, stamps and postal history. Many rare and scarce items. P/R.
Literature #3141 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Iceland — Auctions
THE FREDERIK COLLECTION OF ICELAND. Frederik. Auction by Cherrystone. Sale date 2006/06/08. 192 lots. Color illus. With many rarities of proofs, stamps and postal history 1870-1900 (137 lots) 1902-1934 (55).
Literature #2547 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

U S General Works — Auctions
THE FRELINGHUYSEN COLLECTION AUCTION PREVIEW. Frelinghuysen. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2012/03/28. Card. 16 p. Full color photos plus descriptions of key items in the sales.
Literature #14849 | Price: $5.00 | Your Price: $4.00

Postal Stationery — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Fricke. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1985/09/07. Sale #21. 906 lots. Illus. Incs. Charles Fricke First Issue Postal Cards (287); Civil War patriotics (76); CSA (76). P/R.
Literature #4225 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
UNITED STATES AND CONFEDERATE STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Friedman Zimmerman. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2003/05/14. Sale #860. 876 lots. Friedman U.S. 2-cent 1863-68 (86 lots), other U.S. postal history (161). Zimmerman CSA 1&2 rates (238), other CSA (72).
Literature #11355 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Europe — Auctions
EUROPEAN LETTER RATES, 1840-1871, THE INTERNATIONAL LARGE GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION FORMED BY GAVIN FRYER. Fryer. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2006/12/05. 227 lots, color illus. Sterling area (50 lots), Latin Union (103), Austro-German Union (20), Russian Empire (18), Scandinavian Union (36). Cross reference index. Exceptional quality rate covers from 24 countries with many rarities.
Literature #3088 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Great Britain — Auctions
THE G. L. COLLECTION OF CLASSIC GREAT BRITAIN. G. L.. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1981/06/10. Sale #4309. 250 lots. Illus. On/off cvr 1840 Penny Black (100); Two Pence Blue (29); 1841 Penny Red-Brown (55); Two Pence Blue (19). International Gold Medal collection full or rare & beautiful gems. HB decorated catalog. P/R.
Literature #2943 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Kentucky — Auctions
CONFEDERATE STATES FEATURING THE D. SCOTT GALLAGHER COLLECTION OF KENTUCKY POSTAL HISTORY DURING THE CIVIL WAR. Gallagher. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1998/06/09. Sale #801. 786 lots. Illus. Pre-war to post-war, comprehensive Kentucky (254). Other CSA autographs stamps & cvrs (532). P/R.
Literature #8412 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Latin America — Auctions
THE MANUEL GALVEZ COLLECTION OF PROOFS AND ESSAYS OF THE AMERICAS. Galvez. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1960/11/16-17. Sale #1329-1330. 791 lots. Illus. Die & plate proofs inc rarities. U S 1847-1901 (84); BNA (179); BWI (122); Latin America (340). P/R.
Literature #209 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
UNITED STATES STAMPS AND COVERS WITH SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR PATRIOTIC COLLECTION OF DR. THOMAS O. GAMBLE. Gamble. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1957/05/09. Sale #200. 578 lots. Illus. NY PM Prov (87); 1847-88 (117); T. Gamble comprehensive Spanish-American War Patriotics (328). P/R.
Literature #3426 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Revenues — Auctions
THE JOHN J. GAUDIO COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES REVENUES. Gaudio. Auction by John Kaufmann. Sale date 1982/06/05. Sale #085. 1120 lots. Revenues (324); Stock Transfer (58); Wines (24); Ebossed Rev (34); Private Die Proprietary (463). Many high quality, rare & scarce issues. P/R.
Literature #3320 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Carriers & Locals — Auctions
THE ALAN GEISLER COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES CARRIERS AND LOCALS. Geisler. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2008/12/03. Sale #965. 285 lots of postal history, most with color photo. Carriers (39 lots); 1844-45 Independent Mails (30); Locals by Co. (207); Express (9). Excellent study with many rarities.
Literature #4953 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Brit North America — Auctions
DR. G.M. GELDERT PENCE COLLECTIONS OF CANADA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NOVA SCOTIA. Geldert. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1968/03/04. Sale #1820. 180 lots. Illus. Canada essays/proofs (40 lots), mostly used stamps (99) covers (16). New Brunswick (5); Nova Scotia (18). P/R.
Literature #2981 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Wash-franklins — Auctions
THE GEORGETOWN COLLECTION OF WASHINGTON FRANKLIN ISSUES. Georgetown. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 2006/03/22. 1397 lots, color illus. Essays, proofs, unused/used stampsd & some postal history. Full or rare & scarce items. P/R.
Literature #6293 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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German States — Auctions
THE W.E. GERRISH BAVARIA, BREMEN, HAMBURG, HANOVER, PRUSSIA. Gerrish. Auction by Harmers London. Sale date 1966/03/21-22. Sale #3369-3370. 536 lots. Illus. Stamps, cancels, cvrs Bavaria (112); Bremen (130); Hamburg (86); Hanover (98); Prussia (110). P/R.
Literature #3614 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Rhodesia — Auctions
THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF RHODESIA: ROBERT M. GIBBS 1910-13 DOUBLE HEADS. Gibbs. Auction by Sotheby London. Sale date 1987/10/21-23. Hardbound catalog. 1800 lots. Illus. Essays/proofs, unused/used stamps, some postal history. Multiples, varieties, many rarities. P/R.
Literature #1123 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Rhodesia — Auctions
THE ROBERT M. GIBBS COLLECTION OF THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF RHODESIA: THE 1913-24 ADMIRALS. Gibbs. Auction by Sotheby London. Sale date 1988/09/08-09. Sale #2528-2538. Hardbound catalog. 1100 lots. Illus. Essays & proofs; stamps. postmarks. Many rarities. P/R.
Literature #1124 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
THE HENRY C. GIBSON COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS ON ORIGINAL COVERS. Gibson. Auction by Philip H Ward Jr. Sale date 1944/06/14-15. Sale #12. 784 lots. Illus. 1847 (29); 1851-57 (150); 1861-67 (145); 1869 (126); Banknotes (129); also Westerns, combo frankings. Many rare covers & usages. P/R.
Literature #3016 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Israel — Auctions
THE LEO W. GILBERT COLLECTION OF THE DOAR IVRI ISSUE OF ISRAEL. Gilbert. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1971/03/03. Sale #1631. 277 lots. Illus. Essays & proofs (16); 1st day covers (30); Presentation shts (27); Rouletted (9); Perf 10x11 (11); Perf 10 (16); Imperf (12); Part & Double perfs (104); Control Blks (14); Dmei Doar Ovpts (11); Errors & varieties (22). P/R.
Literature #8188 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Egypt — Auctions
THE JOHN GILBERT EGYPT. Gilbert. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1977/03/11. Sale #4153. 362 lots. Illus. Early letters (13); Foreign POs (52); Proofs, on/off cvr 1866-95 (118); 20th Cen (41); Stationery (28); Air cvrs 1910-31 inc many scarce (55). P/R.
Literature #10729 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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