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Italy — Auctions
THE EDWARD M. GILBERT COLLECTION OF POSTAGE STAMPS OF ITALY AND THE ITALIAN EMPIRE. Gilbert. Auction by Spink Shreves. Sale date 2008/01/29. 516 lots. Illus. Used/unused stamps, some postal history Italian States (113 lots); Italy (181); Office Abroad (35); Colonies (165); San Marino (15); Vatican (7). P/R.
Literature #4859 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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New Zealand — Auctions
NEW ZEALAND; TASMANIA UNUSED COLLECTIONS OF THE FIRST TWO DECADES OFFERED BY MR. ROBERT J. GILL. Gill. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1970/05/12. Sale #1958. 146 lots. Illus. Incs rarieties/multiples. New Zealand 1855 (6); 1856-59 (4); 1862 (31); 1863 (1); 1864-67 (40); 1871 (12); 1872 (10). Tasmania 1853-54 (8); 1855 (7); 1856-57 (8); 1858 (12); 1864 (4); 1868 (2). P/R.
Literature #8061 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Belgium — Auctions
GENERAL ROBERT GILL BELGIQUE. Gill. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1965/10/21. Sale #2619-2620. 281 lots. Most illus. Essays, proofs & stamps Epaulettes (206); Medallions (75). Rarities, multiples, outstanding collection. P/R. In French/English. P/R.
Literature #7034 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Canada — Auctions
GENERAL ROBERT GILL CANADA. Gill. Auction by Robson Lowe London. Sale date 1965/10/27. Sale #2641. 203 lots. Illus. All unused stamps 1851-59 3d, 6d & 12d by paper (29); 1855-57 10d, 7 1/2d & 1/2d by paper (25); 1858-59 on stout wove (12); 1859-64 Cents (58); 1868-90 Large Heads (79). Many multiples & scarce stamps. P/R.
Literature #9184 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
THE BRUCE GIMELSON COLLECTION OF FREE FRANKS. Gimelson. Auction by Greg Manning. Sale date 1981/11/21. 116 lots. Illus. Most 18 & 19th Cen/w many exceptional. Incs 13 George Washington. P/R.
Literature #4557 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Carriers & Locals — Auctions
THE DAVID GOLDEN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES CARRIERS AND LOCALS: PARTS 1-3 COMPLETE. Golden. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1999/11/15-17. Sale #817. 1620 lots. in 3 catalogs. Most with color photo. 427 lots of Carriers & 1193 lots of locals. Includes unused & used stamps plus postal history. Full of rare & scarce items, the collection formed over a period of 50 years. P/R.
Literature #11172 | Price: $60.00 | Your Price: $48.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Carriers & Locals — Auctions
THE DAVID GOLDEN COLLECION OF UNITED STATES CARRIERS AND LOCALS PART ONE: CARRIERS. Golden. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1999/11/15-17. Sale #817. 427 lots, most with color photo. Includes unused & used stamps plus postal history. Full of rare & scarce items, the collection formed over a period of fifty years. The house hardbound edition.
Literature #11179 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Carriers & Locals — Auctions
THE DAVID GOLDEN COLLECION OF UNITED STATES CARRIERS AND LOCALS PART TWO: LOCALS A-G. Golden. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1999/11/15-17. Sale #817. 677 lots, most with color photo. Includes unused & used stamps plus postal history. Full of rare & scarce items, the collection formed over a period of fifty years. P/R. The house hardbound edition.
Literature #11181 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Hawaii — Auctions
THE DAVID GOLDEN COLLECTION OF HAWAIIAN STAMPS & POSTAL HISTORY. Golden. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2011/05/24-26. Sale #1009. HB catalog. 923 lots, each with color photo and extensive description. Essays, proofs, unused/used stamps and postal history. P/R.
Literature #13867 | Price: $35.00 | Your Price: $28.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Spain — Auctions
THE EDWARD GOLDSMITH COLLECTION OF SPANISH ANTILLES TO 1866. Goldsmith. Auction by Matthew Bennett. Sale date 2000/06/10. 161 lots, most illus. Unused/used stamps & cvrs inc stampless (24); British PO (7); French PO (2); to/from U.S. (11). 1855 issue (38); 1856 (10); 1857 (34); 1860 surcharge (7); 1862-64 (14); 1866 (9).
Literature #10153 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Airmail — Auctions
HENRY M GOODKIND AIR POST ISSUES OF THE UNITED STATES. Goodkind. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1971/05/06. Sale #2023. 281 lots. Illus. Buffalo Balloon (2); Pioneer flights (4); On/off cvr 1918 (122); 1923 (18); 1926-28 (18); 1930 Zepps (27); RF ovpts study (69). P/R.
Literature #207 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Canada — Auctions
THE JAMES W. GOSS CANADIAN ARCH ISSUE. Goss. Auction by Charles G Firby. Sale date 2003/06/29. 176 lots, color illus. Enlarged photos of varieties. Essays, proofs, unused/used stamps and postal history.
Literature #3119 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Guadeloupe — Auctions
GUADELOUPE POSTAL HISTORY, THE GRAND PRIX D'HONNEUR COLLECTION FORMED BY EDWARD J.J. GRABOWSKI. Grabowski. Auction by Spink Shreves. Sale date 2007/12/12. 371 lots. Illus. World class 19th century comprehensive postal history from 1851-53 French used in Guadelopue to about 1896. Incs rates, usages, cancels, domestic, maritime, unusual.
Literature #4878 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

U S General Works — Auctions
THE JAMES H. GRAY, JR. COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES TOP POSITION PLATE NUMBER BLOCKS. Gray. Auction by Shreves Galleries. Sale date 2005/09/30. 164 lots. Plt blks 19th century (8 lots), 20th Cen. (139), Air Post (9), Back of Book (7).
Literature #11456 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Australia — Auctions
THE ARTHUR GRAY COLLECTION OF AUSTRALIA QUEEN ELIZABETH II PRE-DECIMAL ISSUES. Gray. Auction by Spink. Sale date 2017/04/20. 191 lots, color photos. Essays, proofs, unused/used stamps including errors & varieties.
Literature #15638 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Bavaria — Auctions
THE "GREAT" COLLECTION OF BAVARIA. Great. Auction by Robson Lowe Basel. Sale date 1970/03/11. Sale #3316. 206 lots. Illus. Proofs, unused/used stamps, some cvrs 1846-69 (117 lots); 1870+ (89). In German/English. P/R.
Literature #2980 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XIV. Green. Auction by Edson J Fifield. Sale date 1944/02/24-29. 2159 lots. Illus. All stamps/w U S (424); U S Possessions (83); British Empire (583); Brazil (159); Worldwide (849). Covers/w some toning. P/R.
Literature #3430 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Revenues — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXV. Green. Auction by Eugene N Costales. Sale date 1946/02/18-21. 1393 lots. Illus. U S 19th cen (551); 20th cen (330); Revenues (304); Private Die Proprietary (156). P/R.
Literature #3487 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXVIII. Green. Auction by Eugene N Costales. Sale date 1946/10/28-01. 2165 lots. Illus. U S from PMs through back of book. P/R.
Literature #3484 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART VI. Green. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1942/11/17-21. 1958 lots. Illus. Proofs, unused/used stamps of the U S (317 lots); Worldwide (1641). P/R.
Literature #3429 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION GEMS. Green. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1943. Sale #Prospectus. Card cover booklet containing 18 plates showing highlights of upcoming sales.
Literature #3261 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART VIII. Green. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1943/05/26-28. Sale #0147-0149. 819 lots. Illus. The "Storrow" collection. PMs' (55); On/off cvr 19th (389) & 20th cen (152); Carriers (69); Officials (65); CSA (72). P/R.
Literature #3067 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XI (SEC 1). Green. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1943/11/29-03. Sale #0173-0177. 2161 lots. Illus. U S (354); Barbados (112); St Vincent (109); Denmark (261); Netherlands (213); German States (530); Sweden (265). P/R.
Literature #3491 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXVI. Green. Auction by Harmer, Rooke New York. Sale date 1946/03/25-29. Sale #0311-0315. 1351 lots. Illus. U S (492); Worldwide (859). Significant inc New Britain (129), France & Colonies (140); Spain (142). P/R.
Literature #3485 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XV. Green. Auction by Hugh C Barr. Sale date 1944/03/27-01. Sale #85. 2721 lots. Illus. U S (602); British Empire (1011); Foreign (1108). P/R.
Literature #3432 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Revenues — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXIII. Green. Auction by Hugh C Barr. Sale date 1945/10/15-18. Sale #93. 1271 lots. Illus. U S general (593); Revenues (274); Private Die Proprietary (394). P/R.
Literature #3431 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART IV. Green. Auction by Irwin Heiman. Sale date 1942/10/20-23. Sale #080. 1253 lots. Illus. U S mainly mint 20th Cen (330); 19th & 20th cen British Commonwealth (521); worldwide (401), Minor cover scuffs.
Literature #3493 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART X. Green. Auction by Irwin Heiman. Sale date 1943/10/25-29. Sale #90. 1929 lots. U S (459); British Empire (677); Worldwide (791). P/R.
Literature #3065 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXI. Green. Auction by Irwin Heiman. Sale date 1945/03/19-23. Sale #104. 2043 lots. Illus. U S (602); U S Possessions (120); British Empire (500); worldwide (838). P/R.
Literature #3061 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XXIV. Green. Auction by Irwin Heiman. Sale date 1946/01/08. Sale #110. 1026 lots. General U S including the centerline block of C3a. Small cvr faults. P/R.
Literature #3062 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART VII. Green. Auction by J C Morgenthau. Sale date 1942/12/01. Sale #445. 2718 lots. Illus. U S (727); British Empire (1179); Worldwide (776). P/R.
Literature #3492 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XII. Green. Auction by J C Morgenthau. Sale date 1944/01/18-26. Sale #453. 2753 lots. Illus. U S (464); worldwide (2289). P/R.
Literature #3490 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART II. Green. Auction by Laurence & Stryker. Sale date 1942/10/05-08. Sale #119. 1555 lots. Illus. Off cvr 19th (658) & 20th cen (469); Pvt Perfs (128); B-O-B (175); Carriers & Locals on cvr (22); Locals off cvr (15). P/R.
Literature #3069 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S General Works — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION, PART XIII. Green. Auction by Laurence & Stryker. Sale date 1944/02/01-03. Sale #128. 1410 lots. Stamps 19th (252) & 20th Cen (390); Pvt Perfs (104); B-O-B (234); Carriers (42) & Locals (21); Revenues (142); CSA PM Provs on & off cvr (33); CA Express cvrs (23). Covers/w some toning. P/R.
Literature #3489 | Price: $100.00 | Your Price: $80.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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World Name Sales — Auctions
COL E.H.R. GREEN COLLECTION PART V. Green. Auction by Percy G Doane. Sale date 1942/11/04. Sale #336. 1171 lots. Worldwide on/off cover inc U S (359); BNA (370). P/R.
Literature #3494 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Belgium — Auctions
THE HARRY GREEN F.R.P.S., L. BELGIUM. Green. Auction by Phillips London. Sale date 1989/04/27. Sale #27663. 120 lots. Illus. Incs. Bruxelles Postal History 1556-1860 (12); Verviers (26); T.P.O. & RR markings (10); Eupen & Malmedy (21); WW I (25). Stamps 1849-1957 (19). P/R.
Literature #6630 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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U S Csa — Auctions
THE DR. HOWARD P. GREEN COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE STATES COVERS.. Green. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 2000/04/12. Sale #822. 300 lots. Illus. High quality and rare covers in most collectible areas. p/r.
Literature #10367 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Carriers & Locals — Auctions
NEW YORK POSTMASTERS', U S CITY DESPATCH POST, CITY DESPATCH POST FROM THE ESTATE OF NORVIN H. GREEN. Green. Auction by Vahan Mozian. Sale date 1956/01/19. Sale #481. 208 lots. Illus. NY PMs'proofs (62), stamps (40), cvrs (42); Stamps/cvrs U S City Despatch Post (29); City Despatch (27); Other companies (11). P/R.
Literature #3586 | Price: $40.00 | Your Price: $32.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal Markings — Auctions
MASONIC CANCELLATIONS (M GREENEBAUM); NY FOREIGN MAIL CANCELLATIONS (WAUD & VAN VLISSINGEN); U S POSTAL HISTORY. Greenbaum; Waud. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1972/01/25-27. Sale #406. 1683 lots. Illus. Masonics (301); NYFM on/off cvr by type (957); Cvrs by issue/usage (396). P/R.
Literature #3200 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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South Australia — Auctions
SOUTH AUSTRALIA, THE JOHN O. GRIFFITHS COLLECTION. Griffiths. Auction by Christie's London. Sale date 1992/06/03. Sale #4774. 299 lots. Illus. Early letters & handstamps (12); Proofs, stamps, cvrs 1855 (53); 1856-58 (41); 1858-69 Roulettes (64); 1868-70 Roulettes & Perfs (15); 1868-1902 (93): Depts (16); Officials (5). Grand Prix D'Honneur collection. P/R.
Literature #11228 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Great Britain — Auctions
THE JOHN O. GRIFFITHS GREAT BRITAIN SURFACE PRINTED ISSUES. Griffiths. Auction by Stanley Gibbons London. Sale date 1981/02/12. Sale #5578. 394 lots. Illus. Proofs, on/off cvr stamps 1855-57 (41); 1862-64 (33); 1865-67 (25); 1867-80 (85); 1867 Paris Exhibition die proofs (7); 1872-73 (11); 1867-83 (47); 1873-80 (95); 1880-83 (31). Multiple Gold Medal winner. P/R.
Literature #371 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Austria — Auctions
LUDLOW C. GROSSE OSTERREICH 1850-1864. Grosse. Auction by Heinrich Kohler. Sale date 2001/09/29. 382 lots, color illus. Unused/used stamps plus extensive postal history with many rarities. In German.
Literature #13466 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

1851-67 Issues — Auctions
LOUIS GRUNIN COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES 1851-57 STAMPS ON COVER, PART 1. Grunin. Auction by Christies/Rob Lowe New York. Sale date 1987/03/25. 138 lots. Each color illus. An array of high quality, rare and famous covers.
Literature #4827 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
THE LOUIS GRUNIN OFF-COVER PORTION OF HIS GRAND PRIX NATIONAL COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES, 1847 TO 1857-61. Grunin. Auction by H R Harmer New York. Sale date 1976/12/14-15. Sale #2370-2371. 682 lots. Illus. Off cvr 1847 (85); 1851-56 (302); 1857-61 (295). Full of rarities & varieties. P/R.
Literature #3482 | Price: $20.00 | Your Price: $16.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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20th Century — Auctions
THE LOUIS GRUNIN GOLD MEDAL COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES TWENTIETH CENTURY. Grunin. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1971/11/30-01. Sale #404. 817 lots. Illus. Every major stamp, the majority of errors & varieties, a number of unlisted items. P/R.
Literature #3385 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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1851-67 Issues — Auctions
UNITED STATES 1861-1869; A PORTION OF THE LOUIS GRUNIN COLLECTION. Grunin. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1975/04/15. Sale #469. 558 lots. Illus. Off cover 1861-67 (371); 1869 (187). Many rarities, excellent fancy cancels. P/R.
Literature #3388 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY. Grunin. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1981/10/06. Sale #587. 565 lots. Illus. Stampless (7); Steamboat (6); Western (27); Whaling covers (14); Postmasters' (8); 1847 (52); 1851-57 (207); 1861-67 (84); 1869 (35); Bank Notes (19); Carriers & Locals (42); CSA ( 19). P/R.
Literature #10470 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
THE LOUIS GRUNIN COLLECTION OF FREE FRANKS AND AMERICANA. Grunin. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1993/05/05. Sale #750. 163 lots. Illus. Declaration of Independence signers (15); Continental Congress (15); Presidents G. Washington - U.S. Grant (77); Presidential Widows (11); Western Americana (17); CSA Politicans/Military Leaders (8). Full of rarities. P/R.
Literature #9489 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Western Postal — Auctions
CALIFORNIA POSTAL HISTORY; THE MARC HAAS COLLECTION. Haas. Auction by Richard Frajola. Sale date 1985/12/14. Sale #24. 216 lots. Illus. California stampless (74 lots), stamped (52), Contract mail routes to CA. (37), CA. independent mails (9), CA. local posts (10), Via Nicaragua (4), San Francisco letter bag operators (9), Pony Express (11), British Columbia and Vancouver Island (4), Hawaii (5). P/R. Bound in the official house binding.
Literature #11021 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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Postal History — Auctions
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY FROM THE MARC HAAS COLLECTION. Haas. Auction by Robert A Siegel. Sale date 1980/04/22. Sale #561. 310 lots. Illus. Stampless/stamped through the 1869 issue. Incs. Westerns (46); CSA (44). Exceptionally high quality & rare issues/usages. P/R.
Literature #3415 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00

Prices Realized
Accompanying prices realized for the auction catalog listed above (must also purchase auction catalog).
Price: $1.00
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